First Children’s Media Capstone Graduates

Feb 3, 2025

At the end of the 2024, Media Studies and Production majors Reilly Ennals (KLN ‘24) and Vivian Allegretti (KLN ‘24) became the first Klein College of Media and Communication students to complete the Children’s Media Certificate! They presented their final capstone project to other students and professors, showcasing their deep understanding of children’s media and its impact.

Ennal’s, who is currently an intern on PBS WHYY’s Albie’s Elevator, focused her project on developing a comprehensive document with all of the elements producers and writers need to make the show. This is also known as a show bible and includes character information, settings, curriculums and synopses to keep each aspect of the production consistent. Since graduating, her show bible is now being used in the production as she’s continues her work on Albie’s Elevator, which airs across the country on PBS. She has also recently accepted a position at The Franklin Institute, where she gets to spend her days with kids, making learning fun and engaging for them. As Ennal’s continues to network in the industry, she will also be applying for the Children’s Media Associations’ Mentorship Program.

Allegretti, a CMIL alumna, focused her capstone on researching the evolution of children’s television shows over the past 60 years. She examined two shows from every 20-year period—1960s, 1980s, 2000s, and 2020s—and analyzed the curriculum content featured in each program.

The Children’s Media Certificate was created in 2023 by Sherri Hope Culver. Want to learn more? Find additional information here.