Ep 76 – The Slippery Slope of Banned Books

Join us for the next live episode of Media Inside Out on Monday, March 17th at noon as we discuss how book bans across the country limit access to...

First Children’s Media Capstone Graduates

At the end of the 2024, Media Studies and Production majors Reilly Ennals (KLN ‘24) and Vivian Allegretti (KLN ‘24) became the first Klein College...

Children’s Media Career Symposium 2025

The 7th annual Children’s Media Career Symposium will take place on Friday, April 4th, 2025 from 3:00-5:30 pm in the Atrium of Annenberg Hall. Are...

Unplug and Reset on this Global Day of Unplugging

Join the CMIL and millions around the world for this special event, March 7. What would it feel like to power down your devices and power up human...

Ep 75 – Democracy in the News

It’s a strange time for democracy. And you could swap in your adjective of choice in that sentence A compelling time. An inspiring time. A scary time. We know for sure…

Generation Barney

New Podcast Released: "Generation Barney" Catch the new podcast, "Generation Barney", a seven-part podcast series about the media we loved as kids...

New Research Report Released

A new research report on children's media is now available. The report, The Quality Question: Why Children's Media Must Aim High, is based on...

Certificate in Children’s Media

Interested in Signing Up for the Certificate?  Register for the Certificate in Children's Media! This page contains all the details you’ll need...

Children’s Media Professionals of Philly (CMPoP)

What is CMPoP? CMPoP was founded in June 2023 by Kaz Long & Sherri Hope-Culver with the purpose of fostering a community of children’s media...

Work with us

We offer a variety of services. We work with parents, students K-16, PTA and non-profit organizations, global NGO’s and more.

Our Services

Innovative curriculum development

Targeted research on current media issues


Afterschool media literacy programs

Teacher media literacy education programs

Seminars, workshops, and presentations

Consultative services with media companies

Global Experts

The CMIL serves as Global Chair in Media and Information Literacy in a collaboration between UNESCO and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC).

Local Leaders

CMIL is a founding partner of the Philadelphia Youth Media Collaborative (PYMC), which brings together the myriad media organizations in the Philadelphia region.


Media Produ-cers

The CMIL produces Media Inside Out, a television talk show focusing on media literacy topics, for Temple University Television.

What we do

The Center for Media and Information Literacy provides tools for educators and the media industry to advance critical analysis, use and creation of quality media content.

Who we are

The Center for Media and Information Literacy was established in 2012 at the Klein College of Media and Communication, Temple University as a hub for research, outreach, education, and professional development on issues involving media literacy and information literacy locally, nationally, and internationally.