
Event: Creating AR & VR for Kids

Event: Creating AR & VR for Kids

  Please join the CMIL and the Children’s Media Association for a special event celebrating Global Media & Information Literacy Week. We will be holding an online discussion on, "Future Proofing: How to responsibly create AI, AR and VR content for kids". This...

Media literacy in elementary school workshop

Media literacy in elementary school workshop

  CMIL's David Cooper Moore will lead a workshop on Thursday, January 31, 6:00 P.M. at Moore College in Philadelphia. The workshop synthesizes four years of experience doing media literacy workshops with elementary school students and educators. How do we make...

Lenfest Literacy Project

Each week CMIL brings an afterschool media literacy program to the Lenfest "PAL" (Police Athletic League) recreation center in North Philadelphia.  The "Philly Media Club"-- as the students call it-- introduces middle school students to basic concepts of media...

My Pop Studio

My Pop Studio

My Pop Studio is a media literacy website aimed at children, tweens, and teens that helps users develop media liteacy skills in analyzing and composing media messages through interactive games and activities.