Please join the CMIL and the Children’s Media Association for a special event celebrating Global Media & Information Literacy Week. We will be holding an online discussion on
, “Future Proofing: How to responsibly create AI, AR and VR content for kids”. This event will be taking place on October 28th at 5:00 pm (EST).
Jumpstart your knowledge about the next areas of content development for kids: immersive experiences that blend real-world environments with computer-generated virtual objects and characters. A few years ago, Pokemon Go introduced millions of kids to augmented reality games. But what is on the horizon now? How are creative entrepreneurs mixing immersive technology, storytelling, and play to create the next media content for kids? Beyond just idea generation, these new media forms have implications for kids and families connected to privacy, data-collection, child development, and media literacy skill-building. Join us for a fascinating discussion about AI, AR, and immersive technologies as we explore what lies ahead!
Sherri Hope Culver, Director, Center for Media and Information Literacy
Erin Reilly
Director of Innovation + Entrepreneurship
Professor of Practice
Moody College of Communication
The University of Texas at Austin
Yuting Su
Founder and CEO Thinker Tinker