Seeking proposals for articles to be published in the 2014 Yearbook on media and information literacy and intercultural dialogue. The Yearbook is a project of the UNESCO University Twining and Networking Programme (UNITWIN) and the UN Alliance of Civilizations. The focus of the paper must be on media and information literacy and intercultural dialogue and connect to the theme “Global Citizenship in a Digitally Networked World.”
Abstracts for proposed articles must be submitted by 1 January 2014.
Authors will be notified of acceptance by 20 January 2014.
Authors should be prepared to submit a full article by 15 February 2014.
Length: 3,000 to 5,000 words (approximately 10-13 pages double-spaced)
Proposals for articles should address one of the following areas:
* Innovative activities used in classrooms teaching media and information literacy and intercultural dialogue
*Innovative curriculum for classrooms teaching media and information literacy and intercultural dialogue
*Research conducted on media and information literacy and intercultural dialogue
*Collaborative projects on media and information literacy and intercultural dialogue
Seeking multiple perspectives and various inputs of relevance.
Papers should engage the reader to understand media and information literacy beyond their home country or professional area of competence.
Proposal submission form attached.
Email proposals to
Please address questions to Sherri Hope Culver, Temple University, Center for Media and Information Literacy or Paulette Kerr, University of the West Indies.
The Yearbook is a project of the UNESCO University Twining and Networking Programme (UNITWIN) and the UN Alliance of Civilizations. The Yearbook is published by the International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media, Nordicom.