(Danielle Vallely) Today I attended a lecture in the showroom cinema building. The discussion that took place included three creators giving a five minute pitch of a new media product they designed for children. The five minute pitch was given to four different children and after the pitches an open-ended conversation took place. This lecture really required observation skills within the audience to truly analyze and understand the children’s reactions to each proposal.
Each proposal was for a different form of media: game, book and television program. Throughout each proposal the children remained really attentive; this actually greatly surprised me. I assumed the children would immediately grow excited with the images, which would then create a challenge for the people presenting the new product. However, the children looked intrigued with each proposal and this was confirmed when they were later asked questions regarding each pitch.
A big theme throughout this segment focused on the question of whether or not children really know their own mind. It is apparent that they can make their own judgements, however actually being vocal about their opinions does not always happen. It was identified that there are a lot of factors that happen between the initial gut feeling a child receives to the time that they actually say something. Theses factors include: peers, teachers, family members and the media. Each of these prominent figures can have the potential of swaying a child’s initial thought process and opinions about an idea.
This session shed light on all the influential factors that come into play when attempting to create a popular media program for children. The children’s immediate reactions toward the pitches were filled with excitement, however when it came time to discuss their opinions they became more critical toward the presenters. I believe children live so in the moment that their energy level is always eager and ready to learn. So, each pitch needs to incorporate high levels of excitement and images that really resonate with each child.