This episode aired on September 11, 2023.
You’ve probably heard somewhere that one of people’s greatest fears is public speaking. And I’m going to guess that running a clear second is writing. Even great writers are often plagued with self-doubt. And it definitely induces anxiety in students. From a child’s earliest years, all the way through college, they are called upon to develop their writing proficiency. Essays. Research papers. Analysis of Shakespeare’s plays. For decades, students relied on Cliffs Notes, those small yellow books providing pre-written insights about frequently assigned books, and now a searchable website. Although teachers did worry about students coasting through assignments using these Notes, it doesn’t compare to where teachers find themselves today. Face to face with easy-to-access artificial intelligence (AI) that will write whatever students need, instantly, with just a few conversational prompts. This is a brave new world. On today’s episode of Media Inside Out we’ll consider what AI is capable of now and what it means for the future of education. Let’s go inside.

Olivia Given Castello
Learning & Research Services, Temple University Libraries

Stephanie Fiore
Center for the Advancement of Teaching, Temple University

Dr. Amy Friedman
English Professor, Temple University