The Center for Media and Information Literacy was established in 2012 at the Klein College of Media and Communication, Temple University as a hub for research, outreach, education, and professional development on issues involving media literacy and information literacy locally, nationally, and internationally.
According to the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE), media literacy is the ability to “access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act” using all forms of communication.” The Association of College & Research Libraries defines information literacy as a “set of integrated abilities encompassing the reflective discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued and the use of information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning”. The combined term “media and information literacy” was developed by Alton Grizzle at UNESCO to signify the interrelated nature of these two terms and how they work together to influence audiences and individuals.
Our work is strategically aligned around three areas:
Global expertise
The CMIL works with UNESCO’s Global MIL Alliance and their global university collaborative known as MILID (media and information literacy and intercultural dialogue), as well as other international partners to advance MIL research and practice internationally.
The CMIL produces Media Inside Out, a television talk show bringing together industry and education experts for deep discussions about media literacy. The series has been in production since 2012 with over 65 episodes available for streaming.
The CMIL offers workshops, public programs, and professional educator development on media literacy education for Philadelphia and the surrounding region. The CMIL is a founding partner of the Philadelphia Youth Media Collaborative (PYMC) a network of youth media serving organizations in the Philadelphia region.
The CMIL works with educators, scholars, parents, children, youth, and the media industry to advance critical analysis of media and the implementation of media literacy programs and advocate for media literacy education.
Highlights 2024
Released new research report, The Quality Question: Why Children’s Media Music Aim High
Held an event for local creators to screen standout children’s media program from Prix Jeunesse Festival
Sherri appeared as a guest on the “Children and Screens” webinar that shared insights on how the development of critical thinking skills and media literacy can help children stay safe online.
Invited on the UNESCO-led “Global Media and Information Literacy” panel for Global Media and Information Literacy Week.
Sherri participated in an expert panel on “Al, Ethics and Society: Media, Information and Technology for the Good” for Global Media and Information Literacy Week. She also presented on “Addressing Benefits and Concerns of Generative Al: This Time the Needs of Children and Youth Must Come First”.
Announced the First Two Graduates of the Certificate in Children’s Media, Vivian Allegretti (KLN 24’) and Reilly Ennals (KLN 24’)
Produced several episodes of Media Inside Out on topics including: The Influence of Televised Presidential Debates (Sept. 2024), How Social Media Shapes Our Health Decisions (Oct. 2024), and Teens Talk (Nov 2024)
Appointment: Global Chair in Media Literacy
The CMIL represents Klein College and Temple University as an appointed “global chair” in media and information literacy (MIL) in UNESCO’s UNITWIN global university collaborative network. This designation connects the CMIL to a select group of universities worldwide collaborating on global media and information literacy initiatives. Responsibilities include participating in collaborative projects, attending the annual meeting, and advising on global media literacy issues.
Details here:
The CMIL has been an integral part of several reports launched by UNESCO to solidify the notion of MIL including;
- Research study and report, Survey on Privacy in MIL with Youth Perspectives
- Production of the annual Global MIL Yearbook
- Production of the Global Framework for MIL Cities
CMIL is also a member of UNESCO’s Media & Information Literacy Alliance. Formerly known as “GAPMIL”, the Alliance was launched to give greater impetus to fostering media and information literate citizenries in the governance and development agenda.
More information here:
- Poynter Institute’s Global Media Literacy Network. Advisory committee. (2022-present)
- National Association for Media Literacy Education. Organizational partner. (2012-present)
- UNESCO UNITWIN MILID (University Twining and Networking Programme in Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue) Invited member. (2012 to present)
- Journal of Media Literacy Education. Editorial board. (2018-2022)
- UNESCO Global Media and Information Literacy Alliance. Member. (2013-present)
- Vice-chair of MIL Alliance 2019-2022.
Klein College of Media and Communication
Temple University
Annenberg Hall, 1A
2020 N. 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Phone: 215-204-3255
Sherri Hope Culver – Director
Watch Our Show
Media Inside Out is a television talk show exploring media literacy topics airing every Wednesday at 12:30 and 8:30PM on Temple University TV (TUTV).
Each episode digs deep into a specific media theme or media property and is produced and hosted by Sherri Hope Culver.