Research study on privacy in MIL Education Environments

Apr 26, 2016

The Center for Media and Information Literacy (CMIL) is currently working on a research study with UNESCO-UNAOC and the University Network on Media and Information Literacy.
The purpose of this research is to explore the frequency, methods and impact of privacy issues in MIL (media and information literacy) educational environments and to stimulate global research into privacy and MIL. Members of the university network are conducting interviews and gathering data from their respective regions. Data is being gathered throughout all regions of the globe with educators, scholars, afterschool instructors, NGO’s and nonprofit organizations.

Principal investigator for the CMIL is Sherri Hope Culver.

CMIL Research assistance is being provided by Nicholas Senft.

CMIL survey assistance is being provided by Nicholas Senft and Cari Dienstman.

It is anticipated that the research report will produce new information that can assist all stakeholders with interests in the topic and in particular contribute to the UNESCO study on Internet-related issues.