This episode aired on November 13, 12:00 PM. Take a moment to remember a television show you watched as a kid. Remember how you couldn’t wait to see it? To sing your favorite theme song or see your favorite character? Maybe you were lucky...
Chris Cook
Media and Information Literacy – Issues of Trust
From DCN Global Digital Communication Network invites you to an open online discussion about Media and Information Literacy and issues of trust. All around the world, Media and Information Literacy is a central policy issue that addresses challenges in the...
Ep 67- The Influence of Media on Youth Political Beliefs
This episode aired on October 16, 2023. It’s fairly easy to get people riled up about politics lately. Who supports who. Who votes. Who doesn’t. Who is willing to fight, and for what cause. Who is willing to compromise. If anyone. Perhaps...
Quality media and intentional consumption: How can our media choices create a more positive world?
In this keynote, Sherri will discuss her list of the ten most meaningful questions of media literacy developed through her work with UNESCO’s Global Media and Information Literacy Alliance, and her recent Fulbright research on media for children and...
Ep 66- A.I. in Education
This episode aired on September 11, 2023. You’ve probably heard somewhere that one of people’s greatest fears is public speaking. And I’m going to guess that running a clear second is writing. Even great writers are often plagued with...
UglyDolls “Shallow and Clichéd Narrative” Movie Review
Author: Rachel Richter Growing up, I ran the gamut of being made fun of because I was too tall, I was overweight, I had too much hair, I was too UGLY. Lessons of empathy, kindness, and respect were few and far between, but as an adult I’ve learned that I’m...
The Sarcastic Humor of Nickelodeon’s Victorious
Author: Aidan Murphy Nickelodeon has created a ton of amazing content for children for the last few decades. I myself grew up watching the channel religiously. One of the shows that has always stuck out to me over the years is Victorious, which will be the show that I...