Did you grow up with radio? Sherri did. Along with great memories of listening to her favorite stations and imagining what the DJ’s looked like, Sherri has memories of frustrating afternoons spent hovering over a radio with her tape...
Media Inside out
Episode 44: What do Kids think about Media? Many times on this show, we’ve talked about how media affects kids. We’ve had experts speak about concerns regarding video games or social media, or the influence of media on kid’s lives. But we’ve never given kids the opportunity to speak...
Episode 43: Religion in Media
Religion and media often intersect and collide, and often in messy ways. Religion might be the focus of a documentary, the theme of a sitcom episode, the butt of a late-night joke, the topic of a viral social media meme, or the subject of extended coverage in a...
Episode 42: Government Regulations and the Media Industry
At a time in which the ways we consume media have been changing rapidly, how much do we want the government to help support media industry growth or determine media industry restrictions? These questions are not some purely academic exercise. The answers affect what...
Episode 41: An Inside View of the Music Industry On this episode of Media Inside Out, our discussion will highlight the current state of the music industry, with a focus on gender equality and inequality both from the performance side and the management side of the field. We will also...
Episode 40: Media and its Influence on Play Now more than ever, technology and toys are being connected. From AR-based games to toys with artificial intelligence built in, children have more and more opportunities to use media and some of our most advanced computer technology to...
Episode 39: Celebrity Culture & Politics In recent years, celebrities have become increasingly vocal about their positions on various political topics. It’s a celebrity’s job to build believability with their audience and more celebrities are using that connected relationship to...
Episode 38: Colorism in the Media Although colorism can happen anywhere, colorism in the media is the focus of this episode of Media Inside Out. We’ll be looking at how all media, including television programs, music videos and advertising campaigns favor lighter skin, and...
Episode 37: Media & Early Childhood and Multilingual Education
All the research points to the fact that a child’s greatest opportunity for educational success through college happens when he or she participates in a quality preschool program. And yet, in the United States less than half of all children enter first grade having a...
Episode 36: Parenting in the Digital Age
Airdates: Wednesday, March 14th, 12:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m., and Thursday, March 15th, 4:30 a.m/ET. On this episode of Media Inside Out, we explore the challenges of parenting in a media-rich world. Every day, most of us make numerous decisions about our media use....
Episode 35: Feminist Representation in the Media Airdates: Wednesday, Feb. 7th, 12:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m., and Thursday, Feb 8th, 4:30 a.m/ET. Because of the recent #MeToo movement and Women's Marches across the country, Merriam-Webster announced that its 2017 Word of the Year was feminism....
Episode 34: Media’s Influence on Empathy
Airdates: Wednesday, Nov. 15th, 12:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m., and Thursday, Nov 16th, 4:30 a.m/ET. Consuming media—watching TV, playing a video game, downloading music—evokes a wide range of emotions. Happiness. Love. Boredom. Anger. But one emotion that it does NOT seem to...
Episode 33: How the Media Sensationalizes Tragedy
This episode is set to air on Wednesday, October 25th at 12:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m., and Thursday, October 26th at 4:30 a.m/ET. News stories don’t just inform us about a hurricane or a shooting or some awful tragedy, they use words and visuals selected for their ability to...
Episode 32: Social Media Marketing
This episode is set to air on Wednesday, October 11th at 12:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m., and Thursday, October 12th at 4:30 a.m/ET. It seems as though all of social media activity is centered on getting other people to see and “like” the posts we put online. The goal is to go...
Episode 31: History Communication
This episode is set to air on Wednesday, October 4th at 12:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m., and Thursday, October 5th at 4:30 a.m/ET. History has a profound impact on society as we learn from the past. But, we now find ourselves in an age where the very notion of "fact" has been...