Media Literacy is a pivotal issue that addresses important questions in this highly digitalized field of communication. It provides the basis for understanding critical thought of media, enhancing the access to information and ensuring an intercultural framework that...
News and Events
International Research Initiative for Media Literacy Education
NAMLE has started an international research initiative to assess to assess the current state of media literacy education. The increased changes in technology, industries and communication has caused media literacy to become a necessary skill for today's society. The...
Children and Screens Webinar on The Influencer Impact
Webinar Details Celebrity is hardly a new phenomenon; however, thanks to the digital age, it’s never been easier to become the next big thing. Young people in 2021 consume media in a rapidly-changing landscape, and experience a personalized digital experience every...
The Role of Play in “Building” Media Literacy
The Role of Play in "Building" Media Literacy was a webinar held on Tuesday, October 26th where Jorge Aguirre (Head Writer of Alma's Way), Michelle Cuila Lipkin (executive director for the National Assossciation for Media Literacy Education) and Sarah Jacobstein (Sr....
Celebrate Global Media and Information Literacy Week!
Global Media and Information Literacy Week will take place from October 25-31, 2021. Join the CMIL as we celebrate the importance of Media and Information Literacy for All. Sherri will be moderating several webinars throughout the week. Details below. For more...
Join The Philadelphia Youth Media Collaborative!
The Philadelphia Youth Media Collaborative is a collective of diverse Philadelphia organizations that seeks to support youth through media and literacy. Through digital media production, the organizations seek to build self expression, creative skills and deeper...
International Expert Conference in Media and Information Literacy
The International Expert Conference in Media and Information Literacy took place on November 29-30, 2021. The conference invited Media and Information Literacy experts and academics with varying experiences and backgrounds to share their best practices...
Online International Children’s Film Festival TAKORAMA
As a member of the UNESCO MIL Alliance, the CMIL is proud to serve as the US partner for the Online International Children's Film Festival TAKORAMA. The objective of the festival is to offer children original short films on...
New UNESCO MIL Curriculum Released
The second edition of the UNESCO MIL Curriculum is now available. A global event featuring a series of webinars was held to mark the release. Each webinar presented case studies from MIL experts and practitioners. The webinars were held April 23, 27 and 29, 2021....
Missed the Symposium? Watch It Here!
Did you miss the Children's Media Career Symposium? Learn more about our amazing panelists and Guest Speakers below. Watch a recording of the event here! (This video includes the first hour of the event with the keynote speakers address and the final hour of the...
Digital Playgrounds Webinar
When adults look at teenagers playing video games, they often see a pleasant (but also ultimately meaningless) way of spending free time. What they might miss is the fact that for many young people games have become the most important part of their media ecosystem –...
Children’s Media Career Symposium 2021
Join the Center for Media and Information Literacy at Temple University for the third Children’s Media Career Symposium. The event will be held on Thursday, March 25th, 2021 from 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm over zoom. The event is geared to students and alumni interested in...
CMIL’s, Sherri Hope Culver Quoted in Variety
CMIL's Director, Sherri Hope Culver, was recently quoted in a Variety article on Spongebob. To read the article click Here.
UNESCO Media & Information Literacy Alliance News Update
Sherri Hope Culver (CMIL director) edited the latest edition of the UNESCO Media & Information Literacy (MIL) Alliance News Update (V.2 - N.6) released February 2021. Sherri serves as co-vice chair of the International Steering Committee. The Update shares global...
Event: Creating AR & VR for Kids
Please join the CMIL and the Children’s Media Association for a special event celebrating Global Media & Information Literacy Week. We will be holding an online discussion on, "Future Proofing: How to responsibly create AI, AR and VR content for kids". This...